Saturday, September 6, 2014

Good day

Spent the day with my roommate, went across center of old Kiev. The weather was perfect☀️

Birthday party of our band 🍡

We had perfect birthday party with almost 200 guests. That was amazing! I'm so thankful!❤️
And special thanks for Sphingidae from USA 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Fluffy 🍥 thing

Recently I bought super cute fluffy sweater from  H&M. And I've found really a lot of ways how to style it literally with everything in my wardrobe. I don't pretend to know anything about fashion or whatever.But here it is 😉

Birthday of my band

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Today we're auditioning for the vocal show on one of the national channels. I don't really take it serious, but who knows 😜

Autumn, hi

Hello there! So here it is. First day of autumn without school or university or job either. But I've spent it with really cool people anyway and my special girl Mary. New chapter of my life has begun.
I'm a truely grown up now, young adult as they say.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Changes started to happen right from that autumn two years ago. I didn't know what was gonna happen, but thanks to these guys, I dropped everything but found so much more. And this friday will be one year of our adventures together.Vagabonds, I love you forever 💋

Hello, I'm back

So many things have happened in these two years. I left my hometown, graduated from university, received a new job, got much older and became really another person. So here I am, new, grown up Iana. And in this last day of summer, I probably will share with you some of the brightest moments of it. Enjoy ❤️

Monday, February 11, 2013


Today me and my best friend Nastya took a walk almost over 10 km long. I know, my hair looks awful, but no matter what, that was fun.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Last friday I sang @ Labyrinth club in our city. That was long time since I’ve been there.

Monday, January 28, 2013

my 20th b-day!!!!!

Lots of love, joy, music

My super duper colleagues and friends. Ukulele and no Jude Law, best birthday ever!!!! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

It’s been a long time since I posted something on my blog. Basically, the reason is that I tried to focus on things that are actually happening in the moment. But anyway, I decided to capture some moments that I have lived recently in past 2012 and in the beginning of this year. So take a look on them
First one: I received a job in the most amazing club in our city, I was super duper happy 

Then, me and my best friend Nastya went to Kiev for the most awesome concert in the world of Immanu el band. But it appeared to be not so awesome, beside that, we met some really amazing people.

Then I took part in huuuge singing competition that was called «Univer Voice» and I won first place!!!

Then we earned money with my friend Rita by performing some stupid scatches in our city court. That was weird lol :)

Pictures from New years eve. First time in my life I worked while celebrating. That was amazing :)

Then again I went to Kiev to pass this exam and occasionally met my new friend with strange name ) 

Finally, last Saturday I took all my courage in my fist and me and one of my best friends Nikita went to auditions of Ukrainians version of «the Voice». I don’t really know, wether I passed or not, but no matter what, it was super fun. 

Picture of me and Lisa from last evening. WHY DO I LOOK SO FREAKING HAPPY ALL THE TIME????????